Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Power of a Woman

TI believe that women can control the world. How? They must demand certain things from a man. You can determine how a man treats you and approaches you based on what you allow, but this may be a joint effort by women.

For example, Kamora Lee Simmoms (I may have spelled her name wrong), but Russell Simmons ex-wife is a good example. Russell kept asking her out on a date and she kept declining. Why? Because he kept asking her out on Thursday or Friday to go out Friday or Saturday night. She felt that she was not his first choice and that if he was really interested, he should ask her earlier in the week. Finally Russell got hip and asked her out on a Monday to go out that weekend and she said Yes! How many ladies just do what men want because they just put up with it?

Right now, there are so many songs that call women bitches and hoes. Imagine being in a club and all the women stop dancing when these songs are played. Hmmm... I bet the DJ would stop playing those songs. If this happen all over the country, what would happen? What would happen if women only requested songs on the radio that were positive towards women? This includes people like Nikki Minaj. I mean, she has skills lyrically, she is has the influence of a lot of women, what if she started making songs empowering women. Telling them to respect themselves, become independent, and not just take anything a man give them? Makes you wonder.

Ladies, men only do what you allow them to do. I bet my life on it. If all the women of the world told men that it was NOT cool to sag their pants and demanded them to wear and USE a belt so that their pants would be around their waist and not around their thighs, men would change. Try it! Next time a guy with sagging pants approaches you, tell him "I don't talk to guys who wear their pants like that, pull your pants up and then maybe we can have a conversation." Or, if a guy approaches you wrong "Hey shawty, hey baby... that ass is really phat" or some crazy stuff like that, just tell him "That was rude, would you talk to your mother like that? I am a lady and you need to find a better way to approach me." If you tell them in a constructive way, they may not curse you out. Do not make them look bad in front of their friends, but enlighten them.

There needs to be a raised standard. Some women think that the way that some guys approach them is cute or flattering or they just think "that is how men are, so it is okay." Look ladies, it is NOT okay. You just don't know how many women tell me stories about how stupidly guys approach them on a daily basis. The funny thing is, I know that you can stop all this non-sense. When I see it happen, I just laugh to myself.

Women need to demand things. If you are dating someone and they want to have sex, demand to use a condom. If you tell him "you can't get none unless you wear a condom," guess what? He will get and use a condom. Diseases are real and so is AIDS/HIV. Black women have the highest rate of HIV/AIDS amongst any other race or demographic and it is sad.

I over heard a conversation between a few guys. This young guy was trying to get his life together, go to college and make himself a better person. The other people were telling him that he needs to find a woman who has her own place, car, and job so that he could live with her and let "her" help him out. Basically, telling him he needs to find a woman to use and it didn't matter if she was cute or not. Just find anyone who was willing to put up with it. The scary thing is, I am in Atlanta and the women out number the men by double digits AND there are so many gay men, that there is a shortage for black women to chose from. So, some... I said "some" black women are willing to "put up" with certain things because they are so thirsty for a relationship. Why? If all the women demanded a man to act a certain way, than that is what you will get.

For example. If you want to go to the hottest club in the city and they say, no jeans, no ball caps, and no sneakers, guess what? All the men would wear the correct clothes in order to get in. This is the same way that women can demand things.

Right now, so many women are brainwashed to believe that they have to act a certain way, deal with men a certain way in order to attract them.

Another thing, even though men may not say it, they love to pursue women. It is in our DNA. This is how it was set up. Men are more attracted to women that they have to approach and pursue rather than a woman that is all up in their face all day flirting and pursuing them.

I got a random message on Facebook from a lady who goes to my church. The message says "we missed you at church today." Wow, really? And who are you?" I never spoken to her in my life, but she sends me this message on Facebook and she goes to my church and I never met her before. That was sort of awkward. So, am I interested? Not at all. Why? It is obvious that she is pursuing me. She would of been better off by getting my attention by sitting close to me at church or greeting me when we have fellowship time at church. Just letting me know that she is there, a nice smile and eye contact is all you need sometime.

Overall, what I am saying is that women have lost their power, they need to regain it. I know men are going to hate me for this blog, but I like a woman who has standards and holds me to those. Makes me step my game up. I know that this blog will fall on deaf ears, but it was on my mind and I wanted to see what women think...
So, what's up ladies, are you going to use the Power you have? Or just let it go to waste?

Getting your Ex Back
Become the Woman that Men Adore - Click Here
Men Made Easy-(info on understanding men)

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